Sunday, May 12, 2013


                               M.A.D.GERTUDEMONEYCLEVER TIPS

Children and youth are the future consumers and users of world resources. They need to have knowledge, skills and confidence of managing their personal finances well for a better future resource utilization. 

They have to;
1. Understand personal finance issues
2. Apply the knowledge to manage their finances
3. Feel sufficiently self assured in making decisions relating to their finances.
Therefore, they need to;
1. Differentiate between essentials and desires
2. Get different ways of earning money
3. Recognize that resources are limited, therefore they need to make choices
4. Understand different ways of keeping track of their money and
5. Have value for money.
6. Be moneyclever.
                                    MAKE THE YOUNGER GENERATION PRODUCTIVE
Unless we look for people who have got skills and are willing to transfer these skills to the new generation, teaching about saving and using money properly will be wastage of time. Many younger generation do not have employment and cannot earn and save money.
Now we are looking for an opportunity to teach the children and youth employable skills for future self employment. Time has come to bring back the elderly people on board who are having skills which they are about to die with, to give the younger stars skills and knowledge deserved. 
Many people die with the knowledge and skills without passing them over because the new generation has neglected the old generation and they are taken as old fashioned. Many old people have done little to pass over the skills which were passed over to them, to the next generation just because the new generation thinks modernization cannot borrow from traditional knowledge and skills.
* The bush is full of medicine which our ground parents knew would cure many diseases including the incurable today, but nobody has come out to reach out to these people for information.
* The environment was exploited by our grandparents for local materials to make products to earn a living, many people today cannot make even simple ones instead they just destroy the environment.
* Many look for white color jobs and end up crying of poverty yet richness is surrounding them.
* Many people today lack creativity, time to think through something, and they don’t want to bother themselves.
If we do not act now the future will be a misery. ACT NOW DON’T WAIT FOR TOMORROW.  The world is full of resources which we have failed to utilize just because we lack the knowledge and skills our grandparents had.
 UgandasMoneyCleverOpportunity is now looking for people to work with to make the environment surrounding us more productive for our people. We are looking for people and organizations to sponsor a survey of digging out the old people with necessary skills which can be passed over to the younger generation so that they can earn a living and later become MoneyClever.

Gertrude Namubiru
MoneyClever promoter.
Finance knowledge at an early age is like teaching the kid social values to fit in a society. If you do not have money you cannot fit in a society and life becomes difficult. Teach children personal finance as early as possible. Show the children how you make, budget, save, spend and invest your money
                   Study the formed alphabet for financial literacy
A = Avail your kid with necessary information about financial literacy
B = Budget for your money before spending it
C = Create avenues to make your money multiply
E = Discover first growing business for investment
F = First earn before thinking of investment
G = Generate income from your investment
H= Hope for a future positive change in finance
I = Invest properly
J = Jelously guard what you have earned
K = Know your direction after acquiring money
L = Love what you have invested in
M = Money is life
N = No spending any how
O = Organise your finances well
P = periodically check on your savings
Q = Quietely save
R = Respect what brings you money
S = Spend wisely
T = Time is money, think of not wasting it
U = United you will win, partner with faithful people
V = Voice out financial literacy to every one
W = Worldwide concern is the future of finance
Y = Yield what you have invested at the right time
Z = Zero down to no wastage.

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